017 Developer happiness and Ruby community events with Winston Teo on 03 May 2014, Sat @ 11am
- Ruby Conf Phillipines
- Ruby Conf Taiwan
- The Joel Test
- The Philosophy of Ruby
- Happy Teams Checklist
- Hipchat
- Slack Chat
- I Done This
- Pair Programming
- Github
- Bitbucket
- Pull review
- Hound CI
- Github Ruby Style Guide
- Bootstrap
- TDD is dead. Long live testing
- Continuous integration
- Continuous Deployment
- Semaphore
- Code Ship
- Travis CI
- Circle CI
- Jenkins CI
- Puppet
- Chef
- Github Boxen
- Nitrous.io
- Confreaks
- Railscast
- Retrospectives
I/O Polling audience questions [36:52]
Doubly Linked List - New releases [45:20]