we build!


A live internet talk show with geeks in town on building, learning and sharing!

Subcribe to the episodes via RSS or iTunes

Tools and config

Here are the various tools and configurations used for running this podcast!

  1. Mumble with separate channel recording
  2. Dynamic DNS setup using ddclient
  3. Mumble server (Murmur)
  4. iptables
  5. Icecast as the streaming server
  6. ices to stream music
  7. JACK to “pipe” audio from Mumble client
  8. Dark Ice for streaming Mumble using icecast
  9. Related config scripts
  10. Radio music from CCMixter

Setup diagram


15 hours before we go live, we play creative commons music. Here’s the list of tracks in our playlist:

  1. Mind Map That Music Map Podcast 25
  2. Mind Map That Music Map Podcast 26

live podcast hosted by chinmay & sayanee