getting started with hobbyist electronics [4:07]
- Arduino Uno
- PIC Microcontroller
- Microcontroller Burner/Programmer
- Toner
- Toner Transfer Method
- Tone Transfer Method Ironing
- Agatha Lee
- Uyii
- Lillypad
- Conductive Thread
- Element14
- Adobe Illustrator
spreading digital arts [24:23]
- Creative CrewSG
- William Hooi
- Canva
- Pixlr
- Photoshop User TV
- Scott Kelby
- Corey Barker
- Pixel Perfect
- Bert Monroy
- Real World Illustrator
- Illustrator Wow Book
I/O Polling audience questions [35:07]
- Collin Furze Wolverine
- AngularJS
- SGMakers Meetup
- Creative CrewSG
- Making Wolverine Claws
- Raspberry Pi B+
Doubly Linked List - New releases [39:22]
- Raspberry Pi B+
- What’s new in the Raspberry Pi B+
- WeBuildSG Events API
- WeBuildSG Repos API
- WeBuildSG Github