025 Open source hardware and software with Anna, Mic and Roland on 04 Oct 2014, Sat @ 11am
- Hackerspace
- Haze Mapping
- PHP Usergroup
- Special Episode with Matt Mullenwag
- Wordpress
- Rails
- Correlation Analysis
- Least Square
open source hardware and software [7:56]
- Ubuntu
- Bash
- Firefox
- Apache
- Thunderbird
- xm
- OpenJDK
- Perl
- PostgreSQL
- Arduino
- SparkCore
- vim
- Rails
- pry
- autojump
- tmux
- Virtualbox
- Archlinux
- Guake
- Yakuake
- Commit Strip on libraries
I/O Polling audience questions [35:00]
- Linus Torvalds
- Richard Stallman
- Jimmy Wales
- RedHat
- Freemium Model
- PuppetLabs
- Software as a Service
- Canonical
- MariaDB
- Oracle
- SugarCRM
- Arduino 3D Printer
- Go
- Mozilla
- Netscape
- Docker
- Ansible
- Vagrant
- R
- php Queue
- nitrous.io
- nitrous.io open source
- Tesla Patents
- Stuxnet
- OpenStreetMaps
- setuid patent
- Mozilla newbie friendly bugs