What have you built recently [4:25]
automating event logistics with python [7:35]
growing developer communities [21:08]
- Jacob Appelbaum
- Jacob Applebaun at HasGeek
- HasGeek Geekups/Talks
- HasGeek.tv
- Hacknight
- Banglore
- AirJaldi
- Akiba’s Trip to Dharmasala
- Kushagra Gour
- Little Eye Labs
I/O Polling audience questions [39:25]
- Aaron Swartz
- Aaron Swartz Memorial
- Open Science Barcamp
- Ration Card in India
- Public Distrubution Service in India
- Adi Shamir
- Visual Cryptography
- ffmpeg
- Sublime Text
- Invisible Engines
- Wong Meng Weng
- Go
- DroidCon India 2014
- Meta Refresh
- Ubuntu
- HackerspaceSG
- Podcasts
- iTunes Podcasts
- SparkCore
- Invisible Engines
- The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing
- HasGeek
- Deep Space
- Gibber
- Raspberry Pi Model A+