What have you built recently [3:39]
- Karl Jansky
- Grote Reber
- Radio Telescope
- Bell Labs
- Dipole antenna
- Radio Jove Kit
- Solar Cycle
- Radio Storms on Jupiter
- Pulsars
- Quasar
- Radio Astronomy
- Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre
- Radio Astronomy by radioqualia
- Windward Community College Radio Observatory
connecting people with Arts and Sciences [20:44]
I/O Polling audience questions [28:05]
- Rosetta
- Orion Spacecraft
- Philae Lander
- Sonofied data from Rosetta
- Sonification
- Cosmic Gun
- Cosmic Ray Detector
- The Windup Girl
- Joyce Hinterding
- arXiv Physics
- Technology Review
- Singapore Maker Festival
- Living Leonardos
- Mona
- Hackster
- Very Large Telescope
- ALMA Observatory
- nodeschool.io
- io.js
- Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey
- Cosmos: A Personal Voyage
- Observatory at Science Center Singapore
- Quantum Short 2014
- Square Kilometer Array