- Computer Vision
- Line Detection
- Image Segmentation
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks
- Image Stitching
- Computational Photography
- Face Morpher at FOSSASIA
- Face Detection
- Transoformation Matrix
- Cython
- OpenCV
- SciKit-Image
- NumPy
- SciPi
- Delaunay Triangulation
- SimPy
- Coursera
- Julia
- Signal Processing
- Virtual Reality
- Kinect2
- OpenMV
getting involved in the developer community [26:12]
- SingaporeJS Bookclub
- CampJS
- Hackerspace
- Python User Group Singapore
- Singapore Ruby Group
- Data Science
- Hackware
- TheList.sg
- WeBuild Github
- HeyEvent
- Fundamentals of Computer Vision
- Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
- Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
I/O Polling audience questions [34:07]
- NodeUp
- Podcast Addict
- Overcast
- Khan Academy
- MIT Open Course
- Gilbert Strang - Linear Algebra
- Artoo
- Electronic Interfaces: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds
- Embedded Systems - Shape The World