034 New audio setup with Reboot on 13 Aug 2016, Sat @ 11am
reboot of the live podcast, new audio setup [1:17]
- Mumble
- ATR 2100
- Microphone Stand from IKEA Table Lamp
- node-mumble
- Korg nanopad2
- Icecast
- WeBuild Live Streaming Setup
- WebRTC
- ZenCastr
- Cast - WebRTC podcast recording
- Tech65
- 65Bits
- TWiT
- Quick and Dirty Tip
- Nutrition Diva
- Hak5
- Tek Thing
- Embedded FM
- 5 Minutes of Javascript
- Spark Gap
- The Amp Hour
- EEV Blog
- Big Web Show
- Chandra Observatory (NASA)
- Star Talk Radio
- Neil Degrasse Tyson
- Hidden Universe
- ESO Cast
- Ruby Rogues
- Node Up
- Shop Talk Show
- Hubble Cast
- Rick Steve’s Europe
- PocketCasts
- Podcast Addict
- Podcaster Network Asia
- Mr. Brown Show
- Analyze Asia
- Tomboy Tarts
- Audio Books
- We Build SG
- Firebase
- We Build SG repo
- We Build SG admin
- We Build SG apps
- We Build SG iOS app
- Web Notification
- Web Geolocation
- We Build SG chat bot
- We Build SG Data
- We Build SG data repo
what’s new around the world in engineering and sciences [27:40]
- Underwater Wireless Communication
- Embedded Systems
- Power Grid
- Industrial Internet of Things
- DevFest Singapore Communities
- DevFest.Asia
- JSConf.Asia
- CSSConf.Asia
I/O Polling audience questions [32:22]
- Mumble
- Jack
- Korg nanopad2
- MIDI Controlers
- City Music
- LaunchByte
- We Build Live Configurations
- Gitter
- Pokemon Go